Business to Business Page
This page is the place to go for all wholesale updates.
Proms are done but we would like to continue with updates using this page.
Some examples might be holiday hours, updated availability for busy wedding weeks, and a FAQ section.
We would love your feedback about what would be helpful for you!
Orders 9/9/2023
Order Confirmations
A note about the Parkview and Everette stretch.....
Thank You!!!!
Orders 9/9/23
The week ending 9/9/2023 will be a short week due to Labor Day so we plan to deliver those orders a week early.
Please send in your orders for that weekend ASAP!!!
Order Confirmations are sent out every weekend.
Make sure you add us to your address book so you don't miss our emails.
If you don't get a confirmation and you have upcoming orders, reach out ASAP!!! We might be missing your orders.
This fabric is easily damaged with snags; especially from sequined dresses.
We do not recommend this style for prom for that reason. If you have a customer that insists on renting those styles, communicate how delicate the fabric is to the customer and make sure to check over the garments upon return. Collecting on damages is much easier while the customer is still in your store.
If your returns are not ready for our truck pick up, it is your responsibility to ship them back to us ASAP.
We recommend a late fee of at least $20 charged to your customer to help you cover the cost to ship them back to us.
We truly appreciate your orders and value your feed back. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything :)